Sunday, January 2, 2011

The Battle Within

The Battle Within

Every time you decide on a new goal, you set the scene for a battle to begin. It is a battle between two lions that live within your heart.


Your golden lion is noble and passionate and will fight to make your goal a reality. Your black lion is negative and destructive and seeks to tear down your goal and prevent you from achieving success.

Every day these two lions wage a battle within your heart to decide whether or not you will achieve your goal.

The big question is – Which lion will win?

The answer is - Whichever one you feed the most.

Each positive, uplifting thought you have, feeds your golden lion and makes it stronger. On the other hand, every discouraging, negative thought you have, feeds your black lion and makes it more powerful.

Every time you take action and do something towards achieving your goal, your golden lion leaps into attack.

Every time you fail to take action and get distracted, your black lion pounces.

Here’s a real life example based on the goal of losing weight:





Your alarm clock goes off and you choose to get out of bed and go to the gym.

Your golden lion awakens and starts the day strongly.

7.30 am

You choose to have a healthy breakfast.

Your golden lion roars his approval.

10.30 am

At work it is someone’s birthday and you choose to have a piece of birthday cake and an apple danish even though they are not part of your eating plan.

Your black lion leaps into action and attacks.

11.00 am

You get angry at yourself for eating the birthday cake and start having negative thoughts about yourself.

Your black lion grows stronger.

12.30 pm

At lunchtime you choose to have a chicken and salad wrap instead of deep fried take away.

Your inner lions clash again. Your choice makes your golden lion stronger.

3.30 pm

You are tempted to have a chocolate fix but instead you choose to have two pieces of fruit.

Your golden lion delivers a powerful blow, knocking your black lion to the ground.

6.30 pm

You choose to have a piece of fish, rice and vegetables instead of pizza and coke.

Your black lion turns its back and flees, but will be back to fight another day.

When you become aware of this fierce battle that is raging within your heart, it becomes easier to take action on a regular basis. By doing so you will feed your golden lion and over time give it the strength it needs to triumph.

Action Steps:

(1) Visualise your battle against negative thinking and procrastination as a battle between two lions that live within your heart.

(2) Make the decision to feed your golden lion by thinking positive thoughts and taking consistent action towards achieving your goals.

(3) Enjoy watching as your golden lion grows stronger and ultimately conquers your black lion once and for all.


Rajat Mehta

1 comment:

  1. Hey Buddy... your message is very good... I am trying to follow it... every morning jab aur sone ka mann karta hai to sochta hu nhi... I am feeding the BLACK LION... I have post your mail on my wall too... Hope my GOLDEN LION will become more stronger and one day kill the BLACK LION... Have a nice day...

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